About Us




The Children’s Center of Lexington is an early education and care center that provides a full preschool curriculum along with extended care.  Children come to the Center for many reasons.  For some, the Center provides their first opportunity for peer group interaction.  For others, it provides a comfortable extended family situation during their parent’s working day.  For all, the Center provides a warm, stimulating, child-centered environment.  It is a place where children and teachers interact constructively with enough flexibility to allow each child to grow at his/her own pace. 

Since the needs of each child vary tremendously, goals are individually set.  Teachers try to challenge - but not to push - each child to his/her own next step of learning and development.  Opportunities for dramatic play, cooking, group time, movement, blocks, reading, science, manipulative materials, arts, painting, dress-up, puzzles, field trips, outdoor play, etc. are provided.  The children are allowed to concentrate on the activities that truly interest them. 

To the uninitiated, it may appear that the children are “just playing”, but their play includes a wealth of opportunities for growth.  Picture a two-year-old learning to share and respect the feelings of others, a three-year-old completing a “hard puzzle,” a beaming four-year-old who has just written his name, a five-year-old painting a ship she made - these are learning moments that occur every day.  Social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth is encouraged.  Above all, we aim for children to feel good about themselves and comfortable with each other.

All classrooms maintain good staff/child ratios.  These provide children with the individual attention that allows them to work at their own developmental and interest levels.  Children have opportunities not only to practice basic readiness skills but also to work on special projects, take field trips and spend time outdoors. 

While our primary concern will always be with the children, we also strive to meet the varied needs of the parents. CCL is a 12-month program, open five days a week, 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.  We close on legal holidays, five days at the end of summer to prepare for a new year, and a few additional days, which are noted on the yearly calendar. We are not a drop-in service.  Schedules must be arranged in a way that will provide continuity and consistency for each child.

exploration centers


My son attended Children's Center of Lexington for 4 years. I could not be more grateful for the teachers and leaders of Children's Center of Lexington. My son was loved, known, understood and supported. It felt like family. In his last year at Children's Center of Lexington, the director at Children's Center of Lexington encouraged us to allow our son to be evaluated by Lexington’s special needs resources. It ultimately lead to our son being on a full IEP (individual education plan) with supports in place from his very first day of kindergarten, and to eventual identification of his ADHD. All these supports began with the right insight and compassion by Children's Center of Lexington – and so much patience! We will always be deeply thankful for them. They are a wonderful community.


History and Structure of the Center

The Children’s Center of Lexington, Inc. opened in 1971.  It is a non-profit corporation with tax-exempt status.  The Center is licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care to serve up to 70 children daily, ranging from fifteen-month-old toddlers to 5-year-olds in a pre-kindergarten program.


Parent breakfasts at the Center, evening workshops, work weekends, fundraising projects, etc. are held throughout the year.  Parents may contribute in other ways, i.e., accompanying field trips, attending Board meetings, being a room parent, or providing additional support i.e., marketing, fundraising, tech support, etc. 

Board committees often need and seek parent participation.  Speak to the Director, a teacher, or another parent about your ideas.  Fresh ideas are always welcome, especially if they are accompanied by a willing heart and a helpful hand.


Classroom Our Teacher to Child Ratios Typical Age Range At Start of School Year
Pink Room 1:3 15-24 months
Green Room 1:3 2-2.5 years
Yellow Room 1:3 2.6-2.9 years
Blue Room 1:5 3-4 years
Purple Room 1:5 3-4 years
Rainbow Room 1:7 4-5 years


We have limited space available for our current 23-24 School Year. Please reach out if you are interested in enrolling your child with us before August 2024.

School Year 23-24 Application

24-25 School Year

Open Enrollment

Our 24-25 School Year will begin on September 3rd, 2024. If you're interested in enrolling your child, schedule a tour with us today!

School Year 24-25 Application


1580 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington, MA 02420



Visit Our Center

Please schedule a tour with us. You can download our Enrollment Application to bring with you, or you can upload it after the tour.

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